6–7 Oct 2022
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Development of inhalable mPEG-PLGA nanoparticles for lung cancer treatment

6 Oct 2022, 15:40


Claudia Viegas (1Faculdade de Medicina e Ciências Biomédicas (FMCB); Campus de Gambelas; Universidade do Algarve; 8005-139 Faro; Portugal 2Centro de Ciências do Mar (CCMAR); Universidade do Algarve; Faro; Portugal 3IBB—Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences; Department of Bioengineering; Instituto Superior Técnico; University of Lisbon; 1049-001 Lisboa; Portugal 4Associate Laboratory i4HB—Institute for Health and Bioeconomy at Instituto Superior Técnico; University of Lisbon; Av. Rovisco Pais; 1049-001 Lisboa; Portugal)

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